Invited Talks & Presentations
Necropolitics, Shipibo-Konibo Worldmaking and Multispecies Hope during COVID-19
Presentation in the panel "(In)humanities of the Human: (More-than-)human becomings in contemporary Latin American Worlds". Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Congress 2024.
Bogotá, Colombia
Invited presentation in the Symposium "Ayahuasca as Liquid Divinity"
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
"En defensa de la vida" - Shipibo-Konibo Lebenswelten und Dekolonialer Widerstand im Kontext von Ayahuasca-Tourismus im peruanischen Amazonas
Invited presentation in the Research Colloquium “Medizin- und Wissenschaftgeschichte”. Institut für Geschichte, Theorie & Ethik der Medizin. Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany.
Public Dialogue discussing Santillán's artwork Forecast with a focus on colonial botany. VU ART SCIENCE gallery in collaboration with the Amsterdam Sustainability Institute and the Environmental Humanities Center Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Who is afraid of decoloniality?
Book discussion with Catherine Walsh, Esha Shah and Simona Carmona Castillo within the Decolonial Lecture Series, Migration and Diversity Research Center, VU Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Of Plants and (Cosmo)politics. Plants, spirits and Gods as political actors?
Invited lecture in the course “Global Religions”
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Invited lecture in the Honours Course “Sacred Cityscapes”
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Capacitación Básica Investigación Antropológica
Series of 4 invited lectures in the course “Construcción de la identidad y ejercicio de la ciudadania”. Instituto Superior Pedagogico Publico Bilingue De Yarinacocha, Pucallpa, Peru.
How did I see Goddess in the field and theorised her?
Invited lecture at the VU Summer School “Hands on Anthropology and Ethnographic Storytelling”
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands
For The Goddess’ Sake: Pagan Goddess Worship and Ecological Citizenship in Glastonbury, UK
Panel on “Green Religions and Spiritual Ecologists: Current Developments in the Field of Ecology and Religion”. ISSR Conference Barcelona (2019)